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Digital Color Ink | Trusted Knowledge, Proven Results

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Returns & Exchanges

Return Policy

We accept no product returns after 30 days. Digital Color Ink, LLC has no expressed warranties beyond the warranties stated by the product manufacturers. All special orders/non-stocked products are final and cannot be returned.

In case of defective or damaged goods, please call us as soon as possible. The sooner you let us know there is an issue, the sooner we can help to resolve it. Please provide as much information as possible, including lot/run number, product number, and imaged or laminated samples. Photographs may be requested.

Shipping Damages

It is the responsibility of the receiver signing for the product to note with the shipping company at the time of receipt any damages. The customer is expected to notify Digital Color Ink, LLC with the damage information.

Concealed Damages

If you open a box and the item is damaged, let us know immediately. Please provide a photo of the damage to Digital Color Ink, LLC. We will get you a replacement as soon as possible. Remember, we may ask you to return the item for inspection.

Manufacturer Defect

Please contact us immediately if the product does not meet the manufacturer’s specification. Provide us with as much information as possible regarding the product, including lot/run number, images of the defect, balance of media, and used media reflecting defect. From there we will coordinate replacement with the manufacturer.

Wrong Item

Contact us immediately if the wrong item is received. We will get you the correct item and provide return instructions.  


The merchandise purchased by Digital Color Ink, LLC customers is produced in conformance with the manufacturer’s specification. As distributors, Digital Color Ink, LLC has no expressed warranties beyond the warranties stated by the product manufactures. The manufacturer of each product requires a sample to be submitted for their testing and review. From there, our manufacturers will determine whether or not a credit will be offered. Digital Color Ink, LLC and its manufacturers do not refund any labor, ink, or other material costs with a return. 


At Digital Color Ink we are determined to deliver the highest level of quality products and services to our customers.


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